James Wellbeloved Grain Free Lamb & Vegetables Dry Adult Dog Food is a cereal free, naturally hypoallergenic complete pet food for adult dogs, ideal for pooches suffering with tummy troubles or irritated, dry skin.Made with lamb for easily digestible protein, as well as peas and potatoes for slow burning carbohydrate, James Wellbeloved Lamb & Vegetable can cut out common sources of intolerance such as beef, pork, wheat gluten, eggs, dairy, and soya without compromising on nutrition.Containing linseed, a naturally rich source of omega fatty acids to help nourish and soothe skin irritations, carrot for wholesome fibre and roughage, and seaweed and chicory to help in the production of friendly bacteria in your canines tummy, James Wellbeloved is the ideal complete meal to keep your pet prepared for long walks and extended stick chasing sessions!Key Benefits HYPOALLERGENIC DOG FOOD FOR PETS WITH SENSITIVITIES – Selected Natural Ingredients* No added artificial flavours, colours or antioxidants EASY TO DIGEST FOR PETS WITH GRAIN SENSITIVITIESDOG FOOD DRY WITH VITAMIN E & MINERALS TO SUPPORT THE IMMUNE SYSTEM OMEGA 6 FATTY ACIDS & ZINC TO PROMOTE HEALTHY SKIN & COATLAMB DOG FOOD a delicious source of protein with essential minerals PEAS a natural source of protein POTATO a highly digestible carbohydrate CHICORY EXTRACT a source of prebiotic inulin helping to maintain the gut flora YUCCA a natural deodoriser for less smelly poos LINSEED a great source of omega 3IngredientsLamb meal (25.5%), pea starch (23.7%), potato flakes (22.7%), tomato pomace (5%), lamb fat (4.2%), whole linseed, pea protein, lamb gravy (3%), peas (2.5%), sugar beet pulp, alfalfa meal, carrots (0.5%), seaweed, sunflower oil, fish oil, potassium chloride, sodium chloride, parsley (0.125%), nettles (0.125%), chicory extract (0.1%), calcium carbonate, glucosamine (0.045%), yucca extract (0.02%), chondroitin (0.005%), green tea extract (0.004%), pomegranate extract (0.001%), rosemary extract (0.001%).
James Wellbeloved Grain Free Lamb & Vegetables Dry Adult Dog Food 10kg
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